1. Enhance functional connectivity

  • Building capacity of responsible agencies and Natura 2000 site administrators in landscape scale conservation
  • Involving local stakeholders in connectivity management
  • Securing land to develop linkage corridors
  • Managing corridors to create carnivore-permeable landscape


2. Reduce human-wildlife conflict and build tolerance for carnivores

  • Assessing degree, developing tailored methods and demonstrating tools and approaches to mitigate damage to livestock and crops
  • Establishing a human-wildlife incident response team to mitigate conflicts
  • Establishing and demonstrating enforcement patrols to detect and prevent poaching


3. Promote long-term planning and action for bear and wolf conservation

  • Conducting monitoring activities to determine the current status of the target species, their prey and habitats
  • Mapping and modelling bear and wolf and their prey species distribution, habitats and conflict areas to develop conservation objectives and tailored conservation actions
  • Developing sets of conservation measures to support conservation of target species
  • Developing case studies to test the implementation of conservation measures and investigate impact
  • Developing participatory Regional Species Action Plans for bear & wolf


4. Enhance the awareness and support of local stakeholders for the conservation of bear & wolf

  • Engaging local stakeholders in project inception meetings and in collaborative actions
  • Demonstrating the outcomes of harmonising the forest and hunting sector plans with measures to improve the conservation status of the target species
  • Changing the behaviour of key stakeholders to support the conservation of target species and Natura 2000 sites