Article in CDP News
Bear relocation
Within the project “Facilitating coexistence with large carnivores in the South-Western Carpathians", the Wildlife Intervention Team successfully intervened to relocate a bear from Păclişa, Alba Iulia area. Following 2 weeks of repeated attacks and damage [...]
LIFE Connect Carpathians video
We have the pleasure to invite you to watch the video developed under the LIFE Connect Carpathians project. The video can be found at Resources - PROJECT MOVIE
Bear relocated from urban area
Following 2 weeks of repeated attacks and damage to small livestock by a juvenile bear, the Wildlife Intervention Team captured and successfully released the 2 year old female bear. The Team consisting of FFI rangers, [...]
Training seminars
In partnership with ProPark Foundation and Mihai Pop of ACDB, 6 training courses were held to increase the understanding of landscape scale conservation for bear and wolf and to present practical approaches for conservation. 3 courses [...]
Training session
Between 2 and 4 October 2017 (Group 1) or 9-11 October 2017 (Group 2), we invite you to take part in the LIFE Connect Carpathians training program on Landscape Scale Conservation. This course is addressed [...]